My recent and current projects highlight research questions I am trying to answer. These include the following; see end of each section for some selected publications.
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Eruption and emplacement mechanism of huge lava flows in flood basalt provinces
How were the huge lava flows of the ancient past erupted and laid down? These lava flows are immense compared with those produced by lava eruptions going on today, or at any time in human history – these were lava super-eruptions.
Some time ago I defined super-eruptions as those that yield a mass in excess of 1 x 10^15 kilograms (kg) of magma; that’s a thousand trillion (or a quadrillion) kg (or roughly 2000 trillion pounds). This mass is equal to a volume of about 1000 cubic kilometers (km^3) of volcanic ash, or 350-450 km^3 of lava, depending on composition.
Flood basalt lava flows 500 to 1000 km long and over 1000 km^3 in volume were not uncommon at certain times in Earth history, whereas the biggest known historic eruption of this type formed a lava flow over 60 km long, but a mere 20 km^3 in volume, in Iceland in AD 934-940. (By comparison, that’s “only” 55 trillion kg!)
Current questions to be answered:
How were the huge lava flows of the ancient past erupted and laid down? These lava flows are immense compared with those produced by lava eruptions going on today, or at any time in human history – these were lava super-eruptions.
Some time ago I defined super-eruptions as those that yield a mass in excess of 1 x 10^15 kilograms (kg) of magma; that’s a thousand trillion (or a quadrillion) kg (or roughly 2000 trillion pounds). This mass is equal to a volume of about 1000 cubic kilometers (km^3) of volcanic ash, or 350-450 km^3 of lava, depending on composition.
Flood basalt lava flows 500 to 1000 km long and over 1000 km^3 in volume were not uncommon at certain times in Earth history, whereas the biggest known historic eruption of this type formed a lava flow over 60 km long, but a mere 20 km^3 in volume, in Iceland in AD 934-940. (By comparison, that’s “only” 55 trillion kg!)
Current questions to be answered:
- Why do such vast lava outpourings exist?
- What were conditions like at the vents?
- What are the characteristics of these lavas, and how did they flow so far?
- Vye CL, Barry TL, Self S, Revealing emplacement dynamics of a simple flood basalt eruption unit using systematic compositional heterogeneities, in Poland, M.P., Garcia, M.O., Camp, V.E., and Grunder, A., eds., Field Volcanology: A Tribute to the Distinguished Career of Don Swanson: Geological Society of America Special Paper 538, p. 21–39, 2018.
- Hamilton CW, Scheidt SP, Sori MM, de Wet AP, Bleacher JE, Garry WB, Whelley PL, Mouginis-Mark PJ, Self S, Zimbelman J, Lava-rise plateaus and inflation pits within the McCartys flow, New Mexico: An analog for pāhoehoe-like lava flows on planetary surfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, 2019 JE005975. https://
- Fendley IM, Sprain CJ, Renne PR, Arenillas I, Arz JA, Gilabert V, Self S, Vanderkluysen L, Pande K, Smit J, Mittal T, No Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in Exposed Rajahmundry Traps: A Refined Chronology of the Longest Deccan Lava Flows From 40Ar/39Ar Dates, Magnetostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy. Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems (AGU) 8/2020, doi: 10.1029/2020GC009149, 2020
- Self S, Mittal T, Jay AE, Thickness characteristics of pāhoehoe lavas in the Deccan province, Western Ghats, India, and in continental flood basalt provinces elsewhere. Published on-line, 12-17-20, Frontiers in Earth Sciences – Volcanology,, 2021.
- Self S, Dole G, Mittal T, Vanderkluysen L., Understanding Deccan Volcanism. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2022 (invited; accepted 5-2021). (preprint).
- Glaze LS, Self S, Schmidt A, Hunter S, Assessing eruption column height in ancient flood basalt eruptions. Earth Planet. Sci. Letts., 457, 263-270, 2017.
- Brown RJ, Thordarson T, Self S, Blake S. Disruption of tephra fall deposits caused by lava flows during basaltic eruptions. Bull Volcanol. 77 (10), 2015; 77:90 DOI 10.1007/s00445-015-0974-3, 2015.
- Self S, Coffin MF, Rampino MR, Wolff JA. Large igneous provinces and flood basalt volcanism. In: Sigurdsson, H., Houghton, B., Rymer, H., Stix, J., McNutt, S. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 2nd Edn., pp. 441–455, 2015.
- Brown RJ, Blake S, Thordarson T, Self S. Pyroclastic deposits and edifices of a flood basalt fissure eruption: Roza Member, Columbia River Basalt Group, USA. GSA Bulletin 126, 875-891; doi: 10.1130/B30857.1, 2014.
- Vye-Brown CL, Self S, T.L. Barry TL. Architecture and emplacement of flood basalt flow fields: case studies from the Columbia River flood basalts, USA. Bull. Volcanol. 75, 697-715, 2013.
- Vye-Brown CL, Gannoun M, Barry TL, Self S, Burton K. Osmium isotope variations accompanying the eruption of a single lava flow field in the Columbia River Flood Basalt Province. Earth Planet Sci Letts 368, 183-194, 2013.
- Bryan SE, Peate I, Peate D, Self S, Jerram D, Mawby M, Marsh J, Miller JA. The largest volcanic eruptions on Earth. Earth-Science Reviews p207-229, 2010.
- Barry TL, Self S, Kelley SP, Reidel SP, Hooper PR, Widdowson M. New 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Grande Ronde lavas, Columbia River Basalts, USA: Implications for duration of flood basalt eruption episodes. Lithos 118, 213-222, 2010.
- Jay AE, MacNiocall C, Self S, Widdowson M, Turner W. New paleomagnetic data from the Mahabaleshwar plateau, Deccan Province: Implications for volcanistratigraphic architecture of continental flood basalt provinces. J. Geol. Soc. London 166, 13-24, 2009.
- Self S, Jay AE, Widdowson M, Keszthelyi LP, Correlation of the Deccan and Rajamundry Trap lavas: are these the longest and largest lava flows on Earth? J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. [Special Issue on Large Igneous Provinces] 172, 2-19, 2008.
- Keszthelyi LP, Self S, Thordarson Th. Flood lavas on Earth, Io, and Mars, J. Geol Soc London 163, 253-264, 2006.
- Self S, Thordarson T, Keszthelyi L. Emplacement of Continental Flood Basalt Lava Flows, in AGU Geophysical Monograph 100, Large Igneous Provinces, J Mahoney and M Coffin (eds.), 381-410, 1997.
- Keszthelyi L, Self S. Physical requirements for the emplacement of long lava flows. J. Geophys. Res. 103, B11 (Special Issue on Long Lava Flows), 27447-27464, 1998.
- Thordarson Th, Self S, The Roza flow of the Columbia River Basalt Group: A gigantic pahoehoe flow field. J. Geophys. Res. 103, B11 (Special Issue on Long Lava Flows), 27411-27445, 1998.
- Self S, Keszthelyi L, Thordarson T, The importance of pahoehoe, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 26, 81-110, 1998.
Effect of super-eruptions on past global climate and environment
Intrigued by the apparent coincidence of flood basalt outbreaks and mass extinctions during much of the last 300 million years of Earth history, I am involved in determining the amounts of sulphur gases that these eruptions release into the atmosphere.
It is also critical to better understand the mechanisms by which gases are released, and the types of vent-processes going on during flood basalt eruptions. Unfortunately, global atmospheric models by which to test the likely climatic and other environmental impacts of ancient flood volcanism are in their infancy, but a recent paper addresses this topic (Schmidt et al, 2016).
I am also interested in the impact, or lack thereof, of past explosive super-eruptions such as Toba and Yellowstone on the environment.
Co-workers include Courtney Sprain (University of Florida), Shan de Silva (Oregon State University), Steve Blake and Kirti Sharma (Open University), Thor Thordarson (University of Iceland), Mike Rampino (New York University), Anja Schmidt (Leeds University), Paul Renne (Berkeley Geochronology Center) and Claudia Timmreck’s group (University of Hamburg). Past funding has been from the UK NERC; Present support from University of California at Berkeley and NSF.
To read a press commentary on the Renne et al. 2015 Science paper on dating the Deccan lava flows and their relationship to the K-P boundary, click here.
- Newhall CG, Self S, Robock A, Anticipating future Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 7 eruptions and their chilling impacts. Geosphere (Special Issue on arc volcanism) 14, no. 2, p. 1–32, 2018. doi:10.1130/GES01513.1.
- Sprain CJ, Renne PR, Vanderkluysen, L, Pande K, Self S, Mittal T, The Eruptive Tempo of Deccan Volcanism in Relation to the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary, Science 363, 866–870, 2019
- Cisneros de León A, Mittal T, de Silva S, Self S, Schmitt AK, Kutterolf S, On synchronous supereruptions. Science , submitted May 2021
- Camp VE, Reidel SP, Ross ME, Brown RJ, Self S, Field-trip guide to the vents ,dikes, stratigraphy, and structure of the Columbia River Basalt Group, eastern Oregon and southeastern Washington. USGS Sci. Investigations Report 2017-5022-N, 88 p.
- Schmidt A, Skeffington RA, Thordarson Th, Self S, Forster PM, Rap A, Fowler D, Wilson M, Mann GW, Wignall P, Carslaw KS, Climatic and environmental effects of sulphur released by large-scale flood basalt eruptions. Nature Geoscience 9, 77-82, 2016.
- Richards MA, Alvarez W, Self S, Karlstrom L, Renne PR, Manga M, Sprain CJ, Vanderkluysen L, Smit J, Gibson S, Triggering of the largest Deccan eruptions by the Chicxulub impact. GSA Bulletin v. 127; no. 11/12; p. 1507–1520; doi: 10.1130/B31167.1, 2015.
- Renne PR, Sprain CJ, Richards MA, Self S, Vanderkluysen L, Pande K. State shift in Deccan volcanism at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, possibly induced by impact . Science, Vol 350, 2 Oct., 2015 (Issue 6256), p. 76-78, 2015.
- Self S, Glaze LS, Schmidt A. Gas release from flood basalt eruptions: understanding the potential environmental effects. In, Volcanism and Global Environmental Change (eds. A. Schmidt, L. Elkins-Tanton, K. Fristadt), Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 164-176, 2015.
- Rampino MR, Self S. Large igneous provinces and biotic extinctions. In, Sigurdsson H., Houghton B, Rymer H., Stix J., McNutt S. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 2nd Edn., pp. 1049–1058, 2015.
- Self S, Schmidt A, Mather TA, Emplacement characteristics, timescales, and volatile release rates of continental flood basalt eruptions on Earth. GSA Special Paper 505, Flood basalts, impacts and extinctions (G. Keller, ed.); doi:10.1130/2014.2505(16), 2014.
- Schmidt A, Thordarson T, Robock A, Oman L, Self S. Climatic impact of the long-lasting 1783 Laki eruption: Inapplicability of mass-independent sulfur isotopic composition measurements. J Geophys Res. Vol. 117, D23116, doi:10.1029/2012JD018414, 2012.
- Blake S, Self S, Sharma K, Sephton S, Sulfur release from the Columbia River Basalts and other flood lava eruptions constrained by a model of sulfide saturation. Earth Planet Sci Letts. 299, 328-338, 2010.
- Self S, Blake S, Effects and consequence of super-eruptions, Elements 4, 29-34, 2008.
- Self S, Blake S, Sharma, K, Widdowson M, Sephton, S, Sulphur and chlorine in Late Cretaceous Deccan magmas and eruptive gas release. Science 319, 1654-1657, 2008 (with accompanying Supplemental Material).
- Self S, Widdowson M., and Thordarson, T., Volatile fluxes during flood basalt volcanism and potential effects on the global environment: A Deccan perspective Earth Planet Sci Letts. 248, 517-531, 2006.
- Self S, The effects and consequences of very large explosive volcanic eruptions, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, 364, 2073-2097, 2006.
- Self S, Thordarson T, Widdowson M, Gas fluxes from flood basalt eruptions. Elements 1, pg. 283-287, 2005.
- Self S, Effects of volcanic eruptions on the atmosphere and climate; in Volcanoes and the environment, eds. GRJ Ernst and J. Marti; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 152 – 174, 2005.
- Thordarson T, Self S, Atmospheric and environmental effects of the AD1783-84 Laki eruption: A review and reassessment. J Geophys Res (Atmospheres) 108(D1), doi:1029/2001JD002042, 2003.
Defining types of eruptions, products, and mechanisms, including super-eruptions and the formation of collapse calderas
Deposits left by huge explosive eruptions of silica magma are complex and widespread and I have studied various aspects of these for many years. We are working out the eruption sequences of some large caldera volcanoes. The USA hosts several very large volcanic calderas (super-volcanoes) that are still considered to be active systems.
We are assembling information about large calderas in Chile and New Mexico (NM), amongst other places. We have recently found evidence of a 500 million-year-old caldera and ignimbrite complex under Washington DC (unpublished as yet).
Co-workers includeNoah Randolph-Flagg (NASA Ames), Chris Newhall (Mirisbiris Gardens, Philippines), John Wolff (Washington State University), Geoff Cook (Scripps, University of California, San Diego), Caco Cortez (Edge Hill University, UK); Andres Pavez (University of Chile), Shan da Silva (Oregon State University). Funding has been from the UK NERC and US NSF (via my collaborators).
Deposits left by huge explosive eruptions of silica magma are complex and widespread and I have studied various aspects of these for many years. We are working out the eruption sequences of some large caldera volcanoes. The USA hosts several very large volcanic calderas (super-volcanoes) that are still considered to be active systems.
We are assembling information about large calderas in Chile and New Mexico (NM), amongst other places. We have recently found evidence of a 500 million-year-old caldera and ignimbrite complex under Washington DC (unpublished as yet).
Co-workers includeNoah Randolph-Flagg (NASA Ames), Chris Newhall (Mirisbiris Gardens, Philippines), John Wolff (Washington State University), Geoff Cook (Scripps, University of California, San Diego), Caco Cortez (Edge Hill University, UK); Andres Pavez (University of Chile), Shan da Silva (Oregon State University). Funding has been from the UK NERC and US NSF (via my collaborators).
- Newhall CG, Self S, Robock A, Anticipating future Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 7 eruptions and their chilling impacts. Geosphere (Special Issue on arc volcanism) 14, no. 2, p. 1–32, 2018. doi:10.1130/GES01513.1.
- Alfano, F, Ort M, Pioli L, Self S and 5 others, The sub-Plinian monogenetic basaltic eruption of Sunset Crater, Arizona, USA. GSA Bulletin 131; no. 3/4; p. 661–674, 201);
- Randolph-Flagg N, Hernandez A, Breen SJ, Manga M, Self S, Evenly-spaced columns in the Bishop Tuff as relicts of hydrothermal cooling. Geology 45 (11), 1015-1018, 2017.
- Cook G, Wolff JA, Self S. Estimating the eruptive volume of a large pyroclastic body: the Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Valles caldera, New Mexico. Bull Volcanol., 78, 10, DOI 10.1007/s00445-016-1000-0. 2016.
- Self S, Explosive super-eruptions and potential global impacts; Ch 21 in Hazards, Disasters, and Risks – Volume 2: Volcanoes; Editor, P. Papale. Elsevier Amsterdam, p 399 - 418, 2015.
- Self S, de Silva SL, Cortez C, Enigmatic clastogenic rhyolitic volcanism: The Corral de Coquena spatter ring, North Chile. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 177, 812-821, 2008.
- Bailey JE, Self S, Wooller LK, Mouginis-Mark PJ, Discrimination of fluvial and eolian features on large ignimbrite sheets around La Pacana caldera, Chile, using Landsat and SRTM-derived DEM. Remote Sensing of the Environment 108, 24-41, 2007.
- Self S, Sykes ML, Field guide to the Bandelier Tuff and Valles caldera. Part 1 in Self S, Heiken GH, Sykes ML, Wohletz K, Fisher RV, Dethier DP, Field excursions to the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 134, p 7-57, 1996
- Turbeville BN, Self S, San Diego Canyon ignimbrites: Pre-Bandelier Tuff explosive volcanism in Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. J. Geophys. Res. 93, 6148-6156. [Now included into revised Jemez Mtns stratigraphy by Gardner et al. 2010.]
- Self S, Goff F, Gardner JN, Wright JV, Kite WM, Explosive rhyolitic volcanism in the Jemez Mountains: vent locations, caldera development and relation to regional structure. J. Geophys. Res. 91, 177-1798, 1986.
- Self S, Large-scale phreatomagmatic silicic volcanism: A case study from New Zealand. In Explosive Volcanism (eds. MF Sheridan, F Barberi), J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res. 17, 433-469, 1983.
Historic explosive eruptions and ash dispersal, including volatile releases and hazards
I have studied many of the largest eruptions of the recent past, including some significant historic ones, to inform the scientific world of the types of processes occurring at these volcanoes. .
Part of this work was done to better understand the role of these eruptions in influencing climate by gas (volatile) release and aerosol generation, or to study the ash deposits. This includes deriving the much-used Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) with Chris Newhall.
Collaborators have been many, most lately Adam Jeffery (University of Keele, UK), Rebecca Carey (University of Tasmania), and past funding for this work has come from NASA, US-NSF, and UK-NERC.
I have studied many of the largest eruptions of the recent past, including some significant historic ones, to inform the scientific world of the types of processes occurring at these volcanoes. .
Part of this work was done to better understand the role of these eruptions in influencing climate by gas (volatile) release and aerosol generation, or to study the ash deposits. This includes deriving the much-used Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) with Chris Newhall.
Collaborators have been many, most lately Adam Jeffery (University of Keele, UK), Rebecca Carey (University of Tasmania), and past funding for this work has come from NASA, US-NSF, and UK-NERC.
- Alfano, F, Ort M, Pioli L, Self S and 5 others, The sub-Plinian monogenetic basaltic eruption of Sunset Crater, Arizona, USA. GSA Bulletin 131; no. 3/4; p. 661–674, 201);
- Newhall CG, Self S, Robock A, Anticipating future Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 7 eruptions and their chilling impacts. Geosphere (special issue on arc volcanism) 14, no. 2, p. 1–32, doi:10.1130/GES01513.1.
- Brand BD, Bendana S, Self S, Pollock N, Topographic Controls on PDC Rheology: Insight from May 18, 1980, deposits at Mount St. Helens, Washington (USA). Accepted to JVGR, 4/2016.
- Raible CC, Brönnimann S, Auchmann R, Brohan P, Frölicher TL, Hans-F. Graf, Phil Jones, Jürg Luterbacher, Stefan Muthers, Alan Robock, Stephen Self, Adjat Sudrajat, Claudia Timmreck, Martin Wegmann, Tambora 1815 as a test case for high impact volcanic eruptions: Earth system effects (review). WIREs Climate Change – accepted, 4/2016.
- Gertisser R, Self S, The great 1815 eruption of Tambora and future risks from large-scale volcanism. Geol Today, 31, 132-136, 2015.
- Self S, Gertisser R., Tying down eruption risk. Invited Commentary in Nature Geoscience 8, April 2015, p. 248-250.
- Sahetapy-Engel S, Self S, Carey RJ, Nairn IA, Deposition and generation of multiple widespread fall units from the c. AD 1314 Kaharoa rhyolitic eruption, Tarawera, New Zealand. Bull Volcanol., 76:836, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s00445-014-0836-4, 2014.
- Gertisser R, Self S, Thomas LE, Handley HK, van Calsteren P, Processes and Timescales of Large-volume Potassic Arc Magma Formation: The 1815 Eruption of Tambora Volcano, Sumbawa, Indonesia, J Petrol., 53, 271-297, 2012.
- Self S, Rampino MR, The 1963-64 eruption of Gunung Agung (Bali, Indonesia). Bull. Volcanol. 74, 1521-1236, 2012.
- Sharma K, Self S, Blake S, Thordarson T, Larsen G, The AD 1362 Öræfajökull eruption, S.E. Iceland: Physical volcanology and volatile release. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 178, 719-739, 2008.
- Rose WI, Self S, Murrow PJ, Bonadonna C, Durant AJ, Ernst GGJ, Pyroclastic fall deposit from the October 14, 1974, eruption of Fuego, Guatemala. Bull. Volcanol. 70 (9), 1043-1067, 2008.
- Witter JB, Self S, The Kuwae (Vanuatu) Eruption of AD 1452: potential magnitude and volatile release. Bull. Volcanol. 69-3, 301-318, 2006.
- Self S, Gertisser R, Thordarson Th, Rampino MR, Wolff JA, Magma volume, volatile emissions, and stratospheric aerosols from the 1815 eruption of Tambora. Geophys. Res. Letts. 31, L20608, doi:1029/2004GL020925, 2004.
- Self S, Zhao J-X, Holasek RE, Torres RC, King AJ, The atmospheric impact of the Mount Pinatubo eruption., in Fire and Mud: Eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, eds., CG Newhall and RS Punongbayan, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Quezon City, and University of Washington Press, Seattle, p. 1089-1115, 1996.
- Holasek RE, Self S, Woods AW, Satellite observations and interpretation of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption plumes. J Geophys Res. 101 (B12), 27,635-27,655, 1996.
- Holasek RE, Self S, GOES weather satellite observations and measurements of the 18 May 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption. J Geophys Res 100; 8469-8487, 1995.
- Thordarson T, Self S, The Laki (Skaftár Fires) and Grimsvötn eruption of 1783-85 and associated phenomena. Bull. Volcanol. 55, 233-263, 1993.
- Williams SN, Self S, The October 1902 plinian eruption of Santa Maria volcano, Guatemala. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res. 16, 33-57, 1983.
- Self S, Rampino MR, Newton MS, Wolff JA, A volcanological study of the great Tambora eruption of 1815. Geology 12, 659-673, 1984.
- Newhall CG, Self S, The volcanic explosivity index (VEI): an estimate of explosive magnitude for historical volcanism. J. Geophys. Res. 87 C2 (Oceans-Atmosphere), 1231-1238, 1982.
- Self S, Rampino MR, The 1883 eruption of Krakatau. Nature 294, 699-704, 1981.
Azorean volcanology and geology
I have a long-lasting interest in the Azores Islands, particularly Terceira, where I did my PhD mapping work. In recent years I have renewed my interest with some younger geologists, particularly on the older eruptive history of the island.
Collaborators: Adriano Pimentel (Univ. Azores), Ralf Gertisser (Univ. Keele, UK), Andy Calvert (USGS).
I have a long-lasting interest in the Azores Islands, particularly Terceira, where I did my PhD mapping work. In recent years I have renewed my interest with some younger geologists, particularly on the older eruptive history of the island.
Collaborators: Adriano Pimentel (Univ. Azores), Ralf Gertisser (Univ. Keele, UK), Andy Calvert (USGS).
- Jeffery AJ, Gertisser R, Self S, Pimentel A, O’Driscoll B, Pacheco JM, Petrogenesis of the peralkaline ignimbrites of Terceira, Azores. J Petrol. 58, 2365-2402, 2017.
- Pimentel A, Zanon V, Groot, LV, Hipólito, A, Chiara, A, Self S. Stress-induced comenditic trachyte effusion triggered by trachybasalt intrusion: multidisciplinary study of the AD 1761 eruption at Terceira Island (Azores). Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(3):22. doi:10.1007/s00445-016-1015-6, 2016.
- Jeffery AJ, Gertisser, O’Driscoll RB, Pacheco JM, Pimentel A, Whitley S, Self S, Temporal evolution of a post-caldera, mildly peralkaline magmatic system: Furnas volcano, São Miguel, Azores. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. Published on line, 4/19/2016.
- Pimentel A, Pacheco J, Self S, The ~1 ka explosive caldera-forming eruption of Caldeira Volcano (Faial, Azores): the first stage of incremental caldera formation. Bull Volcanol 77: 42. DOI 10.1007/s00445-015-0930-2. 2015.
- Gertisser R. Self S, Gaspar JL, Kelley SP, and 6 others, Ignimbrite stratigraphy and chronology of Terceira Island, Azores. Geol Soc Amer Special Publication 464 (Stratigraphy and Geology of Volcanic Areas), 133-154, 2010.
- Ellwood BB, Watkins ND, Amerigian C, Self S, Brunhes epoch geomagnetic secular variation of Terceira Island, Central North Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res. 78, 8699-8710, 1973.
- Self S, Gunn BM, Petrology, volume and age relations of alkaline and saturated peralkaline volcanics from Terceira, Azores. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 54, 293-313, 1976.
- Self S, The recent volcanology of Terceira, Azores. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 132, 645-666, 1976.
- Self S, The Lajes Ignimbrite, island of Terceira, Azores. Comm. Serv. Geol. Portugal, Lisbon 55, 165-184, 1971.
Aspects of geology & hazards associated with burial of high-level nuclear waste
I was evaluating part of the License Application submitted by US-DOE in June 2008 to the US-NRC to build and fill a long-term geologic high-level nuclear waste repository. The proposed site was Yucca Mountain, in the Nevadan part of the Basin-and-Range province. This is an area of Miocene calderas and ignimbrites (ash-flow tuffs), the result of super-eruptions between 13 and 10 million years ago, and these units were to be the host rock for the repository, i.e. a huge system of tunnels (drifts) that would have been made inside the mountain, which is a tilted stack of ignimbrites. I dealt with several geological aspects but most specifically the sections of the application dealing with possible future volcanic hazards from the younger basaltic volcanic field that is adjacent to Yucca Mountain. Between 2014 and 2016, NRC was allowed to finish its Safety Evaluation Report on whether to grant DOE the license to build the repository or not. This published report (5 parts) supports the quality and viability of the science and engineering aspects pertinent to the safety of the planned repository. The license was not granted outright due to two shortcomings in future management of the site and a lacking updated EIS, purposely withheld by DOE (directed by the government!) knowing that NRC could not grant the license without the EIS!
I was evaluating part of the License Application submitted by US-DOE in June 2008 to the US-NRC to build and fill a long-term geologic high-level nuclear waste repository. The proposed site was Yucca Mountain, in the Nevadan part of the Basin-and-Range province. This is an area of Miocene calderas and ignimbrites (ash-flow tuffs), the result of super-eruptions between 13 and 10 million years ago, and these units were to be the host rock for the repository, i.e. a huge system of tunnels (drifts) that would have been made inside the mountain, which is a tilted stack of ignimbrites. I dealt with several geological aspects but most specifically the sections of the application dealing with possible future volcanic hazards from the younger basaltic volcanic field that is adjacent to Yucca Mountain. Between 2014 and 2016, NRC was allowed to finish its Safety Evaluation Report on whether to grant DOE the license to build the repository or not. This published report (5 parts) supports the quality and viability of the science and engineering aspects pertinent to the safety of the planned repository. The license was not granted outright due to two shortcomings in future management of the site and a lacking updated EIS, purposely withheld by DOE (directed by the government!) knowing that NRC could not grant the license without the EIS!