Steve Self, volcanologist, research scientist, professor
- Hi all! Welcome to my website which is a constantly changing, iterative project. This site contains information about my research, experiences, current projects, and professional activities, as well as selected publications. At the end, there are some photos I have collected over time. Thanks for checking me out!
What I do

SS sampling Otowi deposits from Valles Caldera, near Truchas, NM, USA, 2007 [Photo by Ken Wohletz]
I have studied volcanic rocks in many parts of the world, concentrating on large (flood) lava effusions, explosive eruptions, and the impact of volcanism on the atmosphere. I am currently based in the US, with a position as Adjunct Professor at University of California, Berkeley. My previous job was with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in Washington DC, from which I retired in late 2017. Prior to that, I was the Chair in Volcanology at The Open University, UK (2001-2008), where I retain an appointment as Visiting Research Professor. I am also a past leader of UK’s Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (affiliated with the Geological and Mineralogical Societies). Click here for more background.